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Showing posts with the label Health
  Labor’s health pitch (and why it won’t work). Undeliverable promises about bulk-billing ignore an entire health system in slow collapse. Labor has lost its capacity for transformative change and the Liberals are – well, the Liberals.
  Business-as-usual is killing our hospitals. The nation’s public hospital system is even sicker than it looks. There are practical, affordable ways to make it better – but not if governments go on doing the same things.
  The time-bomb under every state budget. Australia’s public hospitals cost too much and achieve too little. Soaring costs threaten to drown state finances while abandoning patients. But it doesn’t have to be like this.
  The budget that forgot health. Every element of Australia’s health system is in trouble. But you’d never know it from looking at this year’s budget.
  Want to save public hospitals? First, stop being stupid. Under-funding is not the main reason for the crisis in Australia’s public hospitals. A far bigger problem is systemic stupidity.
  How not to run a government. There’s a reason Tasmania’s hospitals and essential services are the nation’s worst. It’s because the state government underspends its own infrastructure budget by 27%.
Medicare is bleeding to death. Will Labor ever do anything about it? GP visits are down 37% since the government took office. But all we get is spin.
  The cost-of-living crisis hits health care The health cost crunch has just become more savage than it’s been for decades. But it’s been developing for a long time – and governments have ignored the problem.
We're spending billions on 'wellness' crap. Why? The alternative medicines industry rakes in billions, but consumer protection has gone missing. The regulator doesn't have the power or the money to do its job ... and powerful interests like it that way.
Private health insurance: and the rort goes on. There’s a government review of health insurance. Here’s why you haven’t heard of it … and what needs to change.
  Labor has one last chance to save public hospitals. But will they? Only the federal government has the capacity to put the hospital system back together. And a disaster unfolding in one state reveals what is already beginning in all the others.
  How long will you live? The promise of ever-longer lifespans is a new phenomenon that probably won’t last.
  It was the biggest health reform since Medicare. It didn’t work. In 2011, Julia Gillard introduced a new funding system to fix Australia’s troubled public hospitals. So why did it fail so badly?
  How much longer will dementia be out of control? The causes are intractable or unknown. Medical research has hit a wall. And we don’t even detect cases effectively.
  Is Labor serious about health? Doesn’t look like it. Mark Butler’s Medicare “Taskforce” isn’t action on health reform. It’s a substitute for action.
  Inequality and the neoliberal legacy. Half a century of trickle-up economics has decreased prosperity,  overburdened the health system – and caused a vast number of premature deaths. In Australia, the Howard government did most of the damage.
  The pandemic has caused hospital chaos. It didn’t have to be this way. Health systems should be built to withstand shocks like this. Ours wasn’t.
  Need health care in Australia? Just try not to be young. When there’s not enough health care for everyone, who misses out?
Meet Australia’s most overstretched hospital. Every major hospital in the nation is in trouble. Most were struggling to cope with ever-rising patient numbers even before the pandemic pushed them over the edge.
How the GP crisis happened – and why it will get much worse. For most of the last 25 years, there has been a war of attrition against Medicare. Nowhere are the effects more crippling than in general practice.